In this section you will be learning the powerful Unity Engine to build 3D games. Unity has been used by countless game studios and indie developers all over the world to make games for major consoles like Xbox, Playstation, and Nintendo, as well as iPhone and Android devices.
Getting Started With arcade.studio
Ready to start your journey as a game designer? Get started with arcade.studio! Build advanced games and websites in minutes with no code!
Getting Started with arcade.studio
Cinematic Camera Movements With arcade.studio
Cinematic Cameras with arcade.studio
Getting Started With Unity
Lets do this!
getting started with unity
Lets do this!
getting started with unity
introduction to c#
introduction to coding with c#
Lets do this!
Game Development Essentials
Game Development Essentials
Lets do this!
Lets do this!
Game Development Essentials
3D Game Kit Level Design
This Unity 3D Game Kit comes packed with beautiful graphics, easy-to-use design tools and plenty of creative freedom to explore your inner game designer. Learn how to build an action adventure level with triggers that open doors, move platforms, interact with enemies, hazards, and more!
Unity 3D Game Kit Level Design
Build a level
Learn how to build an entire level that you create from scratch! Sculpt a terrain, build and texture structures to explore, add lights and particles for atmosphere, and finally finish things off by adding character controls allowing players to explore the world you build.
building your first level
Lets do this!
Lets do this!
building your first level
Build a Boss Battle
Learn how to create interactions between a hero and an enemy. Program player movements, the ability for the enemy to target and fire at your hero and for them to fire back. You will also learn how to add UI elements to keep track of score and ammo count.
creating a boss battle
Lets do this!
Lets do this!
creating a boss battle
Working with Particles
In this series we will dive much deeper into Unity3D’s particle system. You will learn how to make custom particle styles like fire, smoke, snow, leaves falling, and many other powerful particle effects.
working with particles
Lets do this!
Lets do this!
working with particles
Create overhead endless runner
In this series we will be learning just what goes into making an overhead endless runner game. Setting you up with all the knowledge you need to go out and make your own game using these techniques.
create overhead endless runner
Racing with Physics
In this extensive course we will work with Unity’s physics system as well as get to know and use wheel colliders to create prefabs for our vehicles. By the end of this course you will have fully developed your very own racing game kit; complete with 2 tracks, multiple vehicles, lap times, best times, replay UI, GUI menus, power ups and more!
Racing With Physics
Character Controller + Animator System
In this course we get to know the Mixamo site and its 3D animated characters to import a character into Unity’s animator system to further custom code additional animations for your character that you will be able to use as a universal character controller. We will also use Unity’s ProBuilder as we make a staff for our character to control during his animations.